The Spanish Quarter

The Spanish Quarter is a fortress built in XVII century in a large rocky area as a military camp for the Spanish soldiers during Spanish rule . From 1424 to 1630, the period of the Spanish domination in Sicily, the government imposed the rule of "posata" which was an obligation for cities to offer free rooms and full board to Spanish soldiers. The building has never been finished. The reasons could be that the soldiers were moved to another camp or that they were obliged to leave Sicily. In 2005 the building was restored and today it hosts two exhibitions "Arte e Mestieri di una volta" and "Erice terra di mare". From this place you can admire a beautiful landscape, "Monte Cofano´s gulf" and "Tonnara di Bonagia".

Realizzazione a cura degli alunni Indirizzo Tecnico Turistico dell'I.I.S.S. "Sciascia e Bufalino" di Erice.